This edition of Weekend Walkabout takes us from a very cool Convention / Faire in Tokyo, Japan and then onto Central Europe (via the International Space Station) and finally winds up with the Kerbal Space Program…
First up is another trip to Japan – and to the recently held Maker Faire, “…the globe-trotting DIY convention that attracts both weekend hobbyists and high-end tinkerers…”. This web page has a number of very interesting photographs, ranging from a musical instrument called an Otamatone to neon samurai to virtually brushing an anime characters teeth via an Oculus VR headset to robots galore. Of course there is a “space elevator” (the 14th picture from the top if I counted correctly). The site takes forever to load – not sure why, but many of the pictures are worth the wait. I think this would have been a lot of fun to attend. The Maker Faire map page shows that these events are held all over the globe – you’re sure to find one near you in the near future…