Jerome Pearson’s Keynote speech from the 2013 ISEC Space Elevator Conference

After a very long delay, the keynote speech given by Mr. Jerome Pearson, the American engineer who is credited with co-inventing the modern day concept of a space elevator, at the 2013 ISEC Space Elevator Conference, is finally available on Vimeo. Jerome’s presentation focused on Sir Arthur C. Clarke, the… Read more“Jerome Pearson’s Keynote speech from the 2013 ISEC Space Elevator Conference”


For the past several months, Wikistrat has been working on building forecasts for the private space industry.  One of their scenarios has been projecting how a space elevator might come about.  In the opening words from their report: In February 2014, Wikistrat ran an internal simulation led by Bruce Wald,… Read more“SPACELIFT”

Gates Foundation announces world’s strongest policy on open access research

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has announced the world’s strongest policy in support of open research and open data. If strictly enforced, it would prevent Gates-funded researchers from publishing in well-known journals such as Nature and Science. On 20 November, the medical charity, based in Seattle, Washington, announced that… Read more“Gates Foundation announces world’s strongest policy on open access research”